Iphone 11 screen not working to touch

- Iphone 11 touch screen not working even after hard reset
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working reddit
- Iphone 11 screen not responding to touch
- Iphone 11 pro touch screen not working
- Iphone 11 pro touch screen not working properly
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working can't unlock
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working in some areas
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working camera icon greyed out
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working after drop
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working after reset
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working at all
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working after battery replacement
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working intermittently
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working after hard reset
- Iphone 11 touch screen not working sometimes