Past tense form of the verbs

- Past tense form of the irregular verbs
- Write the past tense form of the verbs
- Past tense form of regular verbs
- Write the simple past tense form of the following verbs
- Write the past tense form of these verbs
- Look in the text and find the past tense form of the verbs below
- Task 1 write the past tense form of the verbs on the line
- Write the simple past tense form of the verbs
- Write the past tense form of the verbs on the line
- Complete the sentences using the past tense form of the verbs
- Simple past tense form of the verbs
- Past tense form of the following verbs
- Past tense form of verbs worksheet
- Supply the past tense form of the verbs in parentheses
- Past tense form of these verbs