The inner layer of the heart is called

- The inner layer of the heart wall is called
- The inner most layer of the heart is called
- The inner layer of the heart is called the myocardium
- The inner layer of the heart muscle is called
- Inflammation of the inner layer of the heart is called
- The inner layer of the lining of the heart is called
- The endothelial inner layer lining of the heart is called
- The thin inner layer of the heart muscle is called
- Innermost layer of the heart is called pericardium
- Innermost layer of the heart is called pericardium true or false
- The inner most layer of the heart wall is called the
- The inflammation of the endocardial or inner layer of the heart is called
- The inner layer of the pleura that encloses the lungs and heart is called
- The inner layer of the pericardium which covers the heart is more commonly called
- The inner layer of the heart made of simple squamous epithelium is called the