The probability of an event is equal to

- The probability of an event is equal to zero
- The probability of an event is greater than or equal to
- The probability of an impossible event is equal to
- The overall probability of an event is equal to
- The probability of an event is equal to zero is called
- The probability of sure event is equal to
- The probability of an event is less than or equal to
- The probability of an event is less than or equal to 1
- The probability of an event is greater than or equal to dash
- The probability of an event that cannot happen is equal to zero
- Probability of an event is equal to dash
- The probability of an event is always greater than or equal to dash
- The probability of an event is always less than or equal to
- When is the probability of an event equal to 1
- The probability of an event equal to 1 is called