Two types of cells in retina

- There are two different types of cells in the retina
- Name two types of cells in retina
- Two types of cells present in retina
- Two types of cells found in retina
- Two types of light sensitive cells in retina
- Name two types of cells in retina of an eye which respond to light
- Two types of receptor cells in the retina
- Two types of photoreceptor cells in the retina
- Two types of cells in the retina of an eye which respond to light
- Two types of retinal cells are
- Name two types of cells in the retina of an eye which respond to light
- Two types of photoreceptor cells found in the retina
- What are the two types of cells in the retina that absorb incoming light
- Name the two types of nerve cells present in retina
- Name two types of optic nerve cells found in retina