Were the munchkins in wizard of oz

- Were the munchkins in wizard of oz midgets
- Were the munchkins in wizard of oz children
- Were the munchkins in wizard of oz kids
- Were the munchkins in wizard of oz dwarfs
- Were the munchkins in wizard of oz real
- How were the munchkins cast in wizard of oz
- Were the munchkins in the wizard of oz played by kids
- Were the munchkins in the wizard of oz dwarfs or children
- Were the munchkins in the wizard of oz adults or children
- Were the munchkins in the wizard of oz dwarfs or kids
- How tall were the munchkins in wizard of oz
- Were any of the munchkins in wizard of oz children
- Were there munchkins in wizard of oz
- Who were all the munchkins in wizard of oz