What can travel all over the world

- What can travel all over the world without leaving its corner
- What can travel all over the world while still staying in a corner
- What can travel all over the world while staying in a corner
- What can travel all over the world but never leave its corner
- What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner
- What can travel all around the world in a corner
- What can travel all around the world while remaining stuck in a corner
- What can travel all around the world without leaving
- What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner answer
- You can travel all over the world
- Comedians can travel all over the world because humour travels well
- Comedians can travel all over the world because humor travels well
- What can travel all around the world but never leave its corner
- What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner riddle
- What can travel all around the world