What is a 5 letter word with vowels

- What is a 5 letter word with no vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with 4 vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with all vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with 3 vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with most vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with many vowels
- What is a 5 letter word without vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with the most different vowels
- What is a five letter word with 5 vowels
- What is a 5 letter word that has 4 vowels
- What is a 5 letter word that has the most vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with no vowels except y
- What is a 5 letter word with only vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with 2 vowels
- What is a 5 letter word with 3 vowels and 2 consonants