What is the location of the frontalis muscle
![what is the location of the frontalis muscle](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/05/05/07/34/1000_F_505073432_6CvEA4JSFNwUKQvLJ1E0bIj2qY44LZm4.jpg)
- What is the function of the frontalis muscle
- What is the action of the frontalis muscle
- What is the origin of the frontalis muscle
- What is the insertion of the frontalis muscle
- What is the purpose of the frontalis muscle
- What is the origin of the frontalis muscle quizlet
- What is the shape of the frontalis muscle
- What is the position of the frontalis muscle
- What is the primary origin of the frontalis muscle
- What is the main function of the frontalis muscle
- What is the primary function of the frontalis muscle