What was the compromise of 1850 quizlet

- What was the missouri compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What caused the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was a purpose of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was one purpose of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was the significance of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was one result of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was the result of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What happened in the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was a key provision of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What was the chief goal of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What did the compromise of 1850 do quizlet
- What did the compromise of 1850 postpone quizlet
- What were the terms of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What were the provisions of the compromise of 1850 quizlet
- What were the features of the compromise of 1850 quizlet