What was the number 1 song in 2006

- What was the number 1 song in 2006 billboard
- What was the number 1 song in december 2006
- What was the number 1 song in august 2006
- What was the number 1 song in november 2006
- What was the number 1 song in march 2006
- What was the number 1 song in april 2006
- What was the number 1 song on august 23 2006
- What was the number 1 song on april 26 2006
- What was the number 1 song on october 26 2006
- What was the number 1 song on september 18 2006
- What was the number 1 song on may 28 2006
- What was the number 1 song on october 13 2006
- What was the number 1 song on february 22 2006
- What was the number 1 song in october 2006
- What was the number 1 song in september 2006