Who won the very first world cup in 1930

- Who won the first world cup in 1930
- Who won the first world cup 1930 in uruguay
- Who won the first fifa world cup in 1930
- Who won the first football world cup in 1930
- Country won the very first fifa world cup in 1930
- Who won the very first fifa world cup in 1930
- Who won the first world cup in 1930 cricket
- Who won the first ever world cup in 1930
- Who won the first soccer world cup in 1930
- Who won the first world cup 1930 score
- Who won the first ever fifa world cup in 1930
- Who won the first fifa football world cup in 1930
- This south american country won the very first world cup in 1930
- Who won the first fifa world cup held in 1930
- Who won the first fifa world cup final in 1930